Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website | BCS Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website | BCSBCS

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website

Adobe Launch BCS 5 years ago (2019-11-28) 1333 Views 0 Comments

Updated: August 17, 2023

This article introduces how Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website.

We have already explained how to configure the environment in the previous section, if you don’t know yet, please read 04 Configure Environments,  and this section describes how to implement Library Code Implementation on Website.

We return to the environment interface. Everyone should be familiar with this. Note that there is an 「INSTALL」 entry on the right.

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website


By the way, this is the entrance to deployment. Clicking the icon below will pop up a page to get the Library Code. Here we will demonstrate the deployment of the Production environment.

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website


Note: This Library Code is loaded asynchronously by default, so that the code can be loaded faster; this code inside the <head> tag of your document.

Click the icon to the right of the code to copy the Library Code:

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website

Then go to your server and find the pages of your website. Note that this Library Code needs to be deployed to all pages of the entire website, so it is generally to find the header of the template page.

Here our template page is in header.php

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website

Open it, find the position of the head, and paste the Library Code into it.

Install Adobe Launch Library Code to the Website


To do this, we have implemented the Library Code Implementation on Website, but you can’t see the Library Code on the page, because it has not been published in the launch.


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