Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types | BCS Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types | BCSBCS

Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types

Adobe Launch BCS 5 years ago (2020-02-20) 5005 Views 0 Comments

The Core extension is the default extension released with Launch, This topic describes the event types available in the Core extension. Core extension has a total of 7 categories and 32 event types. Let me explain how to use them one by one.


Browser has two, including Tab Blur and Tab Focus. 

Tab Blur

Trigger the action when a tab loses the focus.  Originally visited the page of your website, now open the page through the browser tab
The browser originally displayed the page on the right. Now clicking on the left will display the page on the left. For the website on the right, it is Tab Blur.


Tab Focus

Trigger the action when a tab gains the focus.
Now the page was originally showing the site on the left. Now click the tab on the right to show the site on the right. For the site on the right, it is Tab Focus.
Example:Tab Focus:Click on the tab to return to the site


There are 4 forms in total, namely Blur, Focus, Change and Submit.

It should be noted that this is a form, the code structure must have <form> … </ form>, and generally there will be a unique class or id at the from level, and there will be a button to confirm the submission, that is, a button is type = submit form.
The most basic format is:

<form id=”form”>
<input type=”text” placeholder=”text input” />
<input type=”password” placeholder=”password” />
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit” />




Trigger the action when a form loses the focus. Is to leave from the input box, usually the cursor flashes in the input box, there is no after moving.
Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types
As shown above, the cursor was originally in the input box, indicating that it can be entered, but removed, this is Form Blur



Trigger the action when a form gains the focus. Click the input box, the cursor blinks, and you can enter.
Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types



Trigger the action when a content is change. As shown below, it was originally root, but I changed it to Haran
Adobe Launch Rules Guide (2)——Core Extension Event Types

Example:Form Change: Modify content



Trigger the action when a form is submitted. This is the form submission tracking.
Form Submit:Form submission tracking
There is a requirement that the type = submit in the code can implement form tracking. The code structure is as follows:
Form Submit:Form submission tracking
Only fired when successfully submitted.


Keyboard is to monitor some actions on the keyboard, only one is key press.


Key Press

Trigger the event if a key is pressed.

Suppose you want to click “Contact Me” from your keyboard
Key Press:Track keyboard clicks


Media is tracking   HTML5 video, Note that non-youtube video tracking, such as playing, pausing, playing time, etc. There are a total of seven.

After I add an html5 video to my blog, I am doing some tracking configuration demos.


Media Ended

Trigger the event when the media ends.


Media Loaded Data

Trigger the event when the media loads data.


Media Pause

Trigger the event when the media is paused.


Media Play

Trigger the even when the media is played.


Media Stalled

Trigger the event if the media stalls.


Media Time Played

Trigger the event if the media is played for a specified length of time.
In addition, specify that the event is triggered after a specific amount of time.


Media Volume Changed

Trigger the event if the volume is raised or lowered.



There are only two mobile tracking pages on the mobile phone, Orientation Change and Zoom Change.


Orientation Change

Trigger the event if the device’s orientation changes.
There are no settings for this event type.
In addition, specify that the event is triggered after a specific amount of time.


Zoom Change

Trigger the event if the user zooms in or out.
There are no settings for this event type.


Mouse operation, click and hover.



Trigger the event if the specified element is clicked. Just click, a lot of event tracking can be achieved through this.This is the most common
The set interface is as follows, mainly through CSS positioning, and some of the cases demonstrated earlier are similar operations:
Optionally, you can specify property values that must be true for the element before the event is triggered.
You can also specify whether to delay navigation until the rule runs if the element is a link. When you click the check box, a field opens where you can enter the desired delay in milliseconds. This specifies how long Launch waits for tags to fire on clicked links before moving to the next page. The default value is 100 milliseconds. Longer delays improve tracking accuracy. Adobe recommends a delay of 500 milliseconds or less, which the user will not perceive. Launch will wait up to the time specified, but if the beacon fires sooner, the delay is cut short. (That is, user won’t always wait the full length of the delay.)
In addition, specify that the event is triggered after a specific amount of time.



Trigger the event if the user hovers over a specified element. The mouse stays at a certain position for a certain period of time, such as staying at a button for five seconds without operation.
In addition, configure whether the rule is triggered immediately or after a specified number of milliseconds.



The mousedown event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer is over the element, and the mouse button is pressed.

This is similar to click, but there are some differences. Click includes mouse click and keyboard click, while mousedown is just mouse click.



Custom Code

You can achieve what you want to trigger by defining js, this feature gives you a lot of scalability.
The code you provide in the editor will be run as soon as the library is loaded. Inside your code, call trigger() whenever you would like the rule to fire.
Another place that has a similar effect is the custom code in Adobe Analytics Extensions.


Custom Event

Trigger the event if a custom event type occurs.You can name a JavaScript function that you’ve defined elsewhere and use it for the event.
This requires the page to actively send data and then receive it through Custom Event. The code format of the page is:
var addToCart = new CustomEvent('addToCart', 'detail': {'product_id': data.product.sku, 'quantity': data.product.quantity, 'price': data.product.price.fullPrice});

The advantages are similar to the data layer of Google Tag Manager. It triggers at a specific location, and then assembles and sends out data, and then uses data layer variables and custom events to accept them in GTM. The custom event here is the GTM custom event.


Data Element Changed

Trigger the event if a specified data element changes. 


Direct Call

Designed to bypass event detection and lookup systems.
Direct call rules are ideal for situations where you want to tell Launch exactly what is happening. Also, they are ideal when Launch cannot detect an event in the DOM, such as with Adobe Flash.

Direct call rule _satellite.track function from page script like: 

 _satellite.track(‘directtest’, {name: ‘contact Form’, Description:’Testing Parameter’} );

Although the Direct Call setting has only one identifier, it can pass information through the object.


Element Exists

Trigger the event if a specified element exists. Triggered when a specific element exists.


Enters Viewport

Trigger the event if the user enters a specified viewport. Triggered when displayed, such as banner triggered when displayed, can be used for tracking long pages.
In addition, configure whether the rule is triggered immediately or after a specified number of milliseconds.


History Change

Trigger the event if a pushState or hashchange occurs.
There are no settings for this event type.


Time Spent on Page

Trigger the event if the user remains on the page for a specified number of seconds.Specify the number of seconds that must pass before the event is triggered. Such as 10 seconds to trigger.


Page load

The page opening process is: the user clicks——DOM Ready——Library Loaded (Page Top)——Page Bottom——Window Loaded,This is its sequence. Page load is mainly suitable for tracking Page Views.


DOM Ready

Trigger when the DOM is ready and the user can interact with the page.
DOM ready means that all the HTML has been received and parsed by the browser into the DOM tree which can now be manipulated. It occurs before the page has been fully rendered (as external resources may have not yet fully downloaded – including images, CSS, JavaScript.
Resource has been loaded into the browser and is ready to render.

Library Loaded (Page Top)

Trigger the event as soon as the Launch library is loaded. The library code in the header of the page is loaded. For example, the Adobe Launch library code is in the head, and I hope it will be loaded as soon as possible.


Page Bottom

Trigger the event once _satellite.pageBottom(); has been called.  When loading the Launch library asynchronously, this event type should not be used. This is generally not used.
There are no settings for this event type.


Window Loaded

Trigger the event when onLoad is called by the browser and the page has finished loading.
All the page content has been rendered and displayed. You can notice that the upper left of the browser is no longer rotated and loaded.

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