Things to watch out for in Republish library | BCS Things to watch out for in Republish library | BCSBCS

Things to watch out for in Republish library

Adobe Launch BCS 5 years ago (2020-02-22) 1760 Views 0 Comments

Republish library  is helpful when you find a bug in your production library and need to rollback to a known good state immediately.The five most recent libraries that have been published to your production environment on a Web property are available for later retrieval.

The Republish library needs to pay attention to:

  • No changes are made to any of the resources (or historical revisions) in your Launch property
  • The way that development and staging environments calculate what is upstream does not change

Suppose I deleted the Key Press rule. Now I need to use the republish library to retrieve the rule.

Current library

Republish library


The library after Republish has not risen to the first position, it is still in the original position, but the origin in front of it has become darker, and the library has become darker.

The buildDate of the Adobe Launch Library Code is unchanged. However, the new library is effective. For example, if the number of rules after republish is different, the deleted Key Press will be found again.



To sum up:

  • After the Republish library, the library in Launch has not changed, but the color of the dots in front will change, and which library’s color becomes darker, which indicates which library takes effect.
  • The buiddDate of the library is unchanged, but the new library will take effect after republishing.


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