Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test | BCS Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test | BCSBCS

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Adobe Launch BCS 5 years ago (2020-02-25) 14347 Views 7 Comments

This section describes how to implement Adobe target V2 for AB testing through Adobe Launch. Adobe Target has V1 and V2 versions. V1 will be abandoned, so we will talk about V2 here, and there are two methods for deploying Adobe Target. One is It is a hard-coded form. One is through Adobe Launch. Here we use the Adobe Launch form.

Before the official start, you need to have the permissions of Adobe Launch and Adobe Target to achieve the following operations.You also need to have server permissions because you need to add some code to the source code.

The overall process of implementation is to deploy Adobe Target at Adobe Launch, and then do some configuration and new experiments at Target.

Configure Adobe Target on Adobe Launch

This section mainly explains configuring Adobe Target on Adobe Launch


Click “Extensions”-“Catalog” in Adobe Launch, then search for Adobe Target, select V2 installation, you can see the following interface after installation:Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


The above information is generated by default, you do not need to modify it.

  • Client Code is your company name.
  • Organization Id is the company ID, which corresponds to the Client Code.
  • The Server Domain was set when the company name was determined.

Need to pay attention to this paragraph in the head:deploying Launch asynchronously, we recommend hard-coding the following pre-hiding snippet immediately before the asynchronous embed codes in order to manage flicker. For more details, see:Adobe Target extension with an asynchronous deployment documentation section.

This is a piece of code that prevents the page from flickering. It needs to be deployed in front of the Adobe Launch embed code in the form of a hard-coded page.

Just click Copy prehiding snippet to Clipboard! To copy this code,we need to go to the server and add this code:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

It should be noted that this code is js, but what you copied directly is not <script> </ script>, you need to add it yourself.

Extensions can then be saved.


Create a Rule named Adobe Target:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Create an EVENTS that fires when the page loads. The specific configuration is as follows:

Event Type: Library Loaded (Page Top)
Name: Core-Library Loaded(Page Top)

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test




Create an ACTIONS, select the type of Load Target, this role is to initialize the mbox:

Extension: Adobe Target V2
Action Type: Load Target
Name:Adobe Target V2-Load Target

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Then save it.


Behind the first one. Create a second ACTIONS, select the type of Add Params to Page Load Request, this role is to configure some defined data:

Extension:Adobe Target V2
Action Type:Add Params to Page Load Request
Name:Adobe Target V2-Add Params to Page Load Request

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Then save it.


Behind the second one. Create a third ACTIONS, select the type of Fire Page Load Request, this role triggers sending data:

Extension:Adobe Target V2
Action Type:Fire Page Load Request
Name:Adobe Target V2-Fire Page Load Request

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Then save it.

The final configuration effect is as follows:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Note that there must be at least Load Target and Page Load Request in ACTION, with Load Target first and Page Load Request last. You can add an Add Params to Page Load Request in the middle to send custom data.

Publish and Test Adobe Target

After configuration, we need to test the configuration, first we need to publish a library, and then use Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger to test:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


You can see Adobe Target v2, which means the configuration is fine.


Setting up Adobe Target

I use Adobe Target Premium. After logging in to Adobe Target, click Setup directly,Mainly set the Preferences 、Properties and Hosts.

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

It should be noted here that Adobe Target Premium only has Preferences and Properties. If it is Adobe Target Classic, you do not need to set these.


Set your account preferences to configure Target Standard or Target Premium to work correctly with your account. The following illustration shows the available settings on the Account Preferences page.

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

These four places are mainly set up:

  • Custom Global Mbox is set to target-global-mbox, When there are no activities, it is empty by default, but when there is activity, it needs to be set to target-global-mbox. Remember that when the first ACTIONS was set earlier, this is to initialize target-global-mbox.
  • Results and Reporting:Set options that determine what data is used for your results and reports.
  • Mobile Viewport Configuration is to configure a mobile environment.(This is only available in Premium.)

Configure your preferences as desired, then click Save .


Property functions like a report suite, indicating where data is sent and which activity it belongs to.

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Create an at_property, there are two deployment methods, one is hard-coded, directly the same as the previous anti-flicker, and one is to Add Params to Page Load Request in Rules:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Data needs to be set to send to the Adobe target normally. If it is not set, there will be an error of Unauthorized mbox host. Unable to load experimental resources.

Create an Activity

Return to Activities, click Create Activity on the right, select A / B Test

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Then see the following interface,Looking at the middle position of the head, Adobe Target divides the process of setting the AB test into three stages:Experiences、Targeting、Goals & Settings:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


This step mainly sets up different versions of the experiment.

The first is to modify the name of the activity in the upper left corner. Move the mouse to the vicinity to see the rename, and then modify:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

The second part is to add Properties, located here:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Select the corresponding Properties:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Finally, select the editing mode, in Page Delivery:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

There are two editing modes, one is Visual Experience Composer (VEC), one is Enhanced Composer, and the default is to use Enhanced Composer. Generally, VEC is recommended. This is interactive visual editing. It is more convenient, so we need to use Enhanced Composer shut down:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Click anywhere to edit it:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Finally, I changed Contact me to author and added a background color:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

This step of Experience is complete, click Next:



This part is mainly the algorithm for setting the audience and distribution of the experiment:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

  • Audience is who participated in this experiment. 

Goals & Settings:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


This step is mainly the setting of the experimental goal, as well as the setting of other experimental time, description and other information.

Testing and publishing Activity

Save after setting.After saving, you will come to this page. This page displays relevant information about this experiment. We need to click Activity QA:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

We need to click Activity QA:Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Copy the URL and open it in a browser to preview the effect of our experimental version.

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


The last step is to publish the experiment:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Our experiment is published, now we need to check if the data of the page is passed normally.

Open the page and find the mbox cookie in the browser tool. If the value of this cookie is long, like the following, it means that there is an experiment running, no experiment is running, only the sessionid, and the data is short:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test


Under the network, there is a delivery request. This is a request to find the adobe target. You can see the relevant data for the experimental settings.

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

Adobe Target V2 corresponds to delivery; Adobe Target V1 corresponds to json.

At this point, our basic experiments are set up.

See Report

Click the corresponding Activity directly, and then click Report next to Overview. If you set it to Analytics, then return to Adobe Analytics to see the report:

Use Adobe Launch to implement Adobe Target V2 for A/B Test

The experimental group has increased by 49.62%, and 76.58% is certain that this adjustment is improved.

The confidence of an experience or offer represents the probability that the lift of the associated experience/offer over the control experience/offer is “real” (not caused by random chance). Typically, 95% is the recommended level of confidence for the lift to be considered significant.

Obviously there is not enough certainty that the improvement is due to adjustment.

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  1. Hey! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok. I'm definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates.
    dark web sites2020-07-17 15:45 Reply Linux | Chrome 65.0.3325.183
    • I have no Twitter, you can subscribe to this site, and you will receive an email when there is a content update.
      BCS2020-07-17 18:30 Reply Mac OS X | Chrome 83.0.4103.116
  2. Hi Haurang, Can you write a post on how to pass variables and success events on custom,download and exit links. Thanks, Balakrishna
    dbk.dadi@gmail.com2020-02-26 12:01 Reply Linux | Chrome 80.0.3987.119
    • Download and exit links are set in Adobe Analytics Extensions, such as pass variables and success events are already on the blog, such as when explaining the event type
      BCS2020-02-26 12:05 Reply Mac OS X | Chrome 80.0.3987.116
      • Haurang, Yes, it's been explained on extension level it will track linktype but can you explain how to pass variables to that link clicks.
        Bala2020-02-26 12:13 Reply Linux | Chrome 80.0.3987.119
        • The variable passed depends on the type you set. I will write a post about this later.
          BCS2020-02-26 12:20 Reply Mac OS X | Chrome 80.0.3987.116
          • Okay Thanks, I have tried couple of but didn't worked in Launch.
            Bala2020-02-26 12:22 Linux | Chrome 80.0.3987.119