Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet | BCS Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet | BCSBCS

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet

Google Analytics BCS 2 years ago (2023-08-19) 1870 Views 0 Comments

Meet Google Sheet

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google.

Google Analytics 4 data can be exported through Add-ons on Google Sheet,ehe Add-ons that can be used are:

Next I will demonstrate how to export GA4 data using GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™.

Install Add-ons:GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™

Open Google Sheet, click「Extensions」——「Add-ons」——「Get Add-ons」, and search for “GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™”:

Then click Install, and login authorization will be required during the installation process.


Create a Google Sheet Report

Open Google Sheet, click「Extensions」——「GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™」——「Create new reports」, and the following setting interface will be opened. Here is mainly the basic information of creating reports, because the follow-up You can also modify it in the configuration:


  • Property Name: Generate the name of the sheet
  • Account: GA4 Account
  • Property: GA4 Property
  • Start date: start time, after selecting the time, you will be asked to choose dimensions and indicators
  • End date: end time

Suppose I want to export the Users and Sessions of the last few days first, and make the following settings:

Click 「Create Report」 to generate the following:

Note: Metrics Filters and Dimension Filters are not yet supported.

Run Report

If you want to run the report, click「Extensions」——「GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™」——「Run reports」 , Google Sheet will automatically run the report, and the data will be stored in each Sheet:


You can see that using Google Sheet will also consume the token limit of the GA4 API. For more information about the GA4 API limit, please see:Looker Studio Reports an Error: GA4 Data API Quotas

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