Conversion Setup Guide in Google Analytics 4(2025) | BCS Conversion Setup Guide in Google Analytics 4(2025) | BCSBCS

Conversion Setup Guide in Google Analytics 4(2025)

Google Analytics BCS 4 years ago (2020-11-20) 2639 Views 0 Comments

A conversion is any user action that’s valuable to your business; for example, a user purchasing from your store or subscribing to your newsletter are examples of common conversions.

In fact, it is the goal in GA3.

Conversion Type

The conversion types of GA4 can be divided into Predefined Conversions and Custom Conversions

Predefined Conversions

Predefined Conversions are available by default, and there are 5 in total:

  • purchase (web and app)
  • first_open (app only)
  • in_app_purchase (app only)
  • app_store_subscription_convert (app only)
  • app_store_subscription_renew (app only)


Custom Conversions

Custom conversions, also called Conversions, are set by you yourself, and you can set up to 30.

Only events can be directly set as conversions, for other types, first set as events and then as conversions, such as page and Audience:


There are currently three forms of setting conversions.

  • Event set as conversion:This is to set the event directly as a conversion.
  • Page set as conversion:This is to set the page as a conversion. You first need to set the page as an event, and then set the event as a conversion.
  • Audience set as conversion:This is to set Audience as conversion. First, you need to set Audience as an event, and then set the event as a conversion.

Next, I will introduce how to configure.

Configure Custom Conversion

Event Set As Conversion

Setting events directly as conversions is the most common way, there are two methods, one is in the Events  and the other is in the Conversions.

In GA4,click「Admin」——「Events」,  directly click Mark as conversion on the right side of the event to set it as a conversion:

Very simple and convenient.


In GA4,click「Admin」——「Conversions, click New  conversion event, and then fill in the event name you want to set:


This is set, and then save and exit.


Page Set As Conversion

Page set as conversion, you first need to set the page as an event, and then set the event as a conversion.

Assuming that the payment page URL of an e-commerce website has a buy field, such as /member/course/14/buy, now I want to set the payment page as conversion in GA4.

In GA4,click「Admin」——「Events」——「Create Event」——「Create」,then make the following settings:

  • Custom event name: This is the name of the created event, here I named it Buy.
  • Matching conditions:  When the conditions are met, it will be treated as an event. There are many conditions that can be set. Here, what we want to set is that the page contains the buy field.
    • event_name equals page_view :Because GA4 is based on an event-driven model, all data is collected through events, pageview is no exception, pageview is the event page_view.
    • page_location containers buy:The page_location here is a parameter of page_view. It has been registered before it can be used here. In fact, it is a page, but in GA4, its name is page_location. This setting means that the page url contains buy.
  • Parameter configuration: Configure the parameters of the event.
    • Check ​​Copy parameters from the source event and pass the time parameters of the page_view event to the newly created event Buy.

The Buy event is set up, the next step is to set it to Conversion.

In GA4,click「Admin」——「Conversions」, click New  conversion event, and then  fill in the event name Buy in New event name.

This completes the setting of page as conversion.


Audience Set As Conversion

Audience set as conversion is to set Audience as conversion. First, you need to set Audience Trigger as an event, and then set the event as a conversion.

This is achieved through Audience triggers in Audience. Audience triggers let you trigger events when users match the definition of an audience and become members.

You can create up to 20 audience-trigger events per property.

Suppose I want to set US users to conversion Then I first need to create a US Audience, and then set it as an event through Audience triggers, and then set the event as a conversion.

In GA4,click「Admin」——「Audience」——「New Audience」——「Create a custom Audience」, name Audience US visitors, then set the conditions inside, Country ID contain US

This sets up an Audience, pay attention to the Audience triggers on the right, here is the place to set the event, click on it. 

Then a setting page will pop up:

  • Event name: Set the name of the event, I named it event_us_visitors here.
  • Select Create an additional event when the audience membership refreshes if you want to trigger an event each time the user meets the audience criteria, even if they are already a member of that audience. The function of this setting is that the original data in Audience that meets the conditions will also trigger the event.

Then save and exit.

The audience and audience trigger  is set up, the next step is to set it to Conversion.

In GA4,click「Admin」——「Conversions」, click New  conversion event, and then  fill in the event name event_us_visitors in New event name.


This completes the setting of audience as conversion.



  • After Conversions is set, data will be available for up to 24 hours.

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