「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding | BCS 「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding | BCSBCS

「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding

Google Analytics BCS 4 years ago (2020-02-28) 1529 Views 0 Comments

Update time:28-Feb-2020



Preview status in GTM is not working

「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding


In GTM, you click on the preview status, and then see if the GTM can see the preview prompt:

「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding
If not. Preview status in GTM is not working.



Return to your website, if the status of the tool below appears,  This is because the GTM settings page is adblocke, so you see the GTM preview prompt, you Need to turn off adblock.



This is because GTM pages are adblocked,The page function of GTM is affected, so the preview status is not displayed.

「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding



Remove plug-in adblock, and refresh:

「Solved」-Google Tag Manager preview status is not responding

You can see that the preview status is normal



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