Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank? | BCS Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank? | BCSBCS

Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank?

Google Analytics BCS 12 months ago (08-06) 2363 Views 0 Comments

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More than 90% of search terms in GA4 are blank:

Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank?



It is estimated that you have not filtered out the view_search_results event, so the default is all events, and other events have no search terms, so they are blank.



The filter filters view_search_results events by event name:

Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank?

After filtering, there are no blanks:

Over 90% of Search Terms in GA4 are Blank?

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