GA4 & GA4 360 Limitations and Quotas (2024) | BCS GA4 & GA4 360 Limitations and Quotas (2024) | BCSBCS

GA4 & GA4 360 Limitations and Quotas (2024)

Google Analytics BCS 2 years ago (2022-07-07) 3371 Views 0 Comments

Update time: May 31, 2024

Google Analytics 4, referred to as GA4, officially called the New GA, has a standard version GA4 and a paid version GA4 360,their limits and quotas are as follows:



GA4 360

Account 100(Quota can be increased) 100(Quota can be increased)
Property 2000 2000
Data Steam 50
20 Web Data Stream+30 Data App Steam
20 Web Data Stream+30 App Data Steam


Basic Quota


GA4 360

Distinctly named events(Web) Unlimited Unlimited
Distinctly named events(APP) 500 2000
Create Event(In GA4) 50 50
Modify Event(In GA4 50 50
Events per User per day (for app data streams) 500 2000
Event Parameters 25 100
Length of event parameter value 100 characters 500 characters (web)
100 characters (app)
User-scoped Custom Dimensions 25 100
Item-scoped Custom Dimensions 25 100
Event-scoped Custom Dimension 50 125
Event-scoped Custom Metrics 50 125
Key Event (Conversion) 30 50
Analytics Insights 50 50
Schedule email 50
Audience 100 400
Audience Triggers 20 20
Filter 10 10
Comparison 50 4
item per request 200 200
BigQuery Daily export: 1 M events
Streaming export: unlimited
Daily export: Billions of events
Streaming export: unlimited
Official technical support Not available Support


Data Freshness


GA4 360

Reports/Explore 24-48 hours 24-48 hours
Data Import 4 hours 4 hours
Unsampled explorations 1 hours 1 hours
User lifetime 24+ hours 24+ hours
Analytics 24+ hours 24+ hours
Realtime Less than 1 minute Less than 1 minute
BigQuery Export 24 hours after midnight 24 hours after midnight


Data Retention


GA4 360

Maximum data retention time 14 months 50 months
Options 2, 14 months 2, 14, 26, 38, and 50 months
Google Signal retention time 14 months 26 months


Custom Channel Groups


GA4 360

Groups 2 5
Channels within each group 25 25




GA4 360

Reports snapshot 1 1
Collection 7 7
Topic 5 5
Detail reports 10 10
Overview reports 1 1
Rows 50K 2M




GA4 360

Explore sampling limits 10M events per query 10B events per query
Unsampled explorations Not available Unsampled results up to 50B events per day per property
Individual exploration 200 200
Shared exploration 500 1000
Segment 10 10
Tab 10 10
Filters 10 10


Data Import


GA4 360

Total storage 10 GB 10 GB
Data-source size 1 GB 1 GB
Daily uploads Number of uploads: 24 Number of uploads: 24


New Feature


GA4 360

Sub properties Not available Support
Roll-up properties Not available Support
Automatic expanded data sets Not available Support
Login API Not available Support
Unsampled explorations Not available Support




GA4 360

Google Ads Support Support
BigQuery Support Support
Display & Video 360  Support Support
Firebase Support Support
Google Ad Manager Support Support
Merchant Center Support Support
Floodlight Support Support
Optimize Support Support
Salesforce Marking Cloud Support Support
Search Console Support Support
Google Play Support Support
Search Ads 360 Support Support
Campaign Manager 360 Support Support
Adsense Support Support


GA4 Data API Quotas

Quota Name GA4 GA4 360
Core Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 250,000
Core Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 50,000
Core Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 17,500
Core Concurrent Requests Per Property 10 50
Core Server Errors Per Project Per Property Per Hour 10 50
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 250,000
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 50,000
Realtime Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 17,500
Realtime Concurrent Requests Per Property 10 50
Realtime Server Errors Per Project Per Property Per Hour 10 50
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 250,000
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 50,000
Funnel Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 17,500
Funnel Concurrent Requests Per Property 10 50
Funnel Server Errors Per Project Per Property Per Hour 10 50


Admin API Quotas

Quota Name GA4 GA4 360
Requests per minute 1,200 1,200
Requests per minute per user 600 600
Requests per minute per user 600 600
Writes per minute per user 180 180



GA4 GA4 360
Price Free From $30K~50K/year based on country

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